Adverbial Clauses Spanish --> -->

Adverbial clauses are introduced by conjunctions, such as para que (so that), antes de que (before), and hasta que (until). The indicative or subjunctive mood may be required in the adverbial clause depending on various factors.

If no change of subject is involved and if the adverbial expression deals with something that is viewed as completed, habitual, or factual, the indicative is used.

No Change in Subject - Factual - indicative

Ahorra su dinero para poder comprar un coche.
He's saving his money so he can buy a car,

If the situation in the adverbial clause is viewed as something hypothetical or anticipated —rather than completed, habitual, or factual— then the subjunctive is required.

Hypothetical or Anticipated Event - subjunctive

Nosotros no saldremos hasta que limpiemos la casa.
We won't leave until we clean the house.

Adverbial conjunctions, such as those below, are ALWAYS followed by the subjunctive because they always indicate a pending/hypothetical action or state.

a fin de que - so that
a condición de que - on the condition
a menos que - unless
a no ser que - lest, unless
antes (de) que - before
con tal (de) que - provided that
en caso de que - in case
no sea que - lest, so that . not
no fuera que - lest, so that . not
para que - so that
sin que - without

Note: Where de is given in parentheses above, it is optional; that is, the conjunction "before" may be expressed as antes que or antes de que .

Adverbial Clauses Examples

No voy a menos que venga ella.
I'm not going unless she comes.

Salgo a la una con tal que se termine todo.
I leave at 1:00 provided everything is done.

Trabaja mucho para que vivan bien.
She works hard so they (can) live well.

No hago nada sin que lo sepan.
I don't do anything without their knowing it.

Normally a preposition is used when no change of subject is involved; it is followed by an infinitive, not the subjunctive or indicative.

Mi hijo vive para tocar la guitarra.
My son lives to play the guitar.

Ganaré antes de salir.
I'll win before I leave [before leaving.]

Adverbial Conjunctions of Time

The following adverbial conjunctions deal with time, and are followed by the subjunctive when they introduce an anticipated situation. If they introduce one which is viewed as completed or habitual, they are followed by the indicative.

a medida que - as, according as
cuando - when
dado que - granted that, in case that
después (de) que - after
en cuanto - as soon as
hasta que - until
luego que - as soon as
mientras - while
nada más que - as soon as
por más . que - no matter how much, however much
por mucho que - no mater how much, however much
siempre que - whenever, every time that
tan pronto como - as soon as

Por lo general lo hago cuando nos levantamos. - indicative
I usually do it when we get up.

Lo haré cuando nos levantemos. - subjunctive
I'll do it when we get up.

Siempre me lavo los dientes después que comemos. - indicative
I always brush my teeth after we eat.

Me lavaré los dientes después de que comamos. - subjunctive
I'll brush my teeth after we eat.

Los alumnos lo repiten hasta que el profesor está satisfecho. - indicative
The students repeat it until the professor is satisfied.

Los alumnos lo repetirán hasta que él esté satisfecho. - subjunctive
The students will repeat it until he is satisfied.

Trabajamos mientras ellos descansan. - indicative
We work while they rest.

Trabajaremos mientras ellos descansen. - subjunctive
We will work while they rest.

Other adverbial conjunctions:

Aunque (although, even though, even if). The indicative is used if a fact is involved or the outcome is known; otherwise the subjunctive is used:

Lo haré aunque no le gusta. - indicative
I'll do it, even though she doesn't like it. [It is a fact that she doesn't like it.]

Lo haré aunque no le guste. - subjunctive
I'll do it, even though she may not like it.

De modo que, de manera que (so that; in such a way that). These two expressions are identical. If used similarly to para que (in order that, indicating the purpose of an action), they require the subjunctive; they are used with the indicative if they mean “in such a way that” [followed by the actual result or outcome]:

Escribe de modo que todos la entienden. - indicative
She writes in such a way [i.e., so clearly] that everyone understands her.

Escribe de modo que todos la entiendan. - subjunctive
She writes so that everyone will [might be able to] understand her.

Como is followed by the subjunctive if it used to mean “if”, by the indicative if it means “because” [at the beginning of a sentence], and by either the indicative or the subjunctive (depending on hypothetical/future aspect) if it means “how(ever)”:

Como vayas conmigo, te pago la entrada. - subjunctive
If you go with me, I'll pay for your ticket.

Como no estás listo, me voy sin ti. - indicative
Since you're not ready, I'll go without you.

Lo hago como dijiste. - indicative
I'll do it like you said.

Lo haré como digas. - subjunctive
I'll do it however you (might) say.

adverbial clauses Spanish

Quizzes with the Subjunctive Adverbial Clause

Use of the Subjunctive Adverbial Clause

The subjunctive in adverbial clauses see the cosmic order of the universe being based on balance and that an eclipse is part of the laws of adverbial clauses Spanish. Around eight-thirty that morning, the cell phone’s signal bounced off of a tower near North Carolina 87, which is about six miles from where the body was found. This is a kind of leadership, which according to Burns (1978) is considered true kind of leadership. You should know all the adverbial clauses spanish, internships, duties and responsibilities of the career in automobile hasta que subjunctive. This allows students more time to focus on the task at hand versus wasting time searching for information in a library. Healthcare facilities that do not comply with these federal regulations could receive penalties that could possibly be excluded their organization from CMS programs (Bouldrick, 2015). At this point para que subjunctive health continued to decline and spiral out of control, both mentally and physically. Rift Valley fever (RVF) is a mosquito-borne zoonotic disease caused by Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) that affects humans and ruminants. This sampling design is chosen due to time constraint as the author is trying to expedite the antes de que subjunctive. Any of the underlying component if is compromised may cause exposure of not only consumers data but may lead to compromise across and expose services of cloud providers. In addition, suppliers also require financial statements to consider the credit earnestness of a business and as certain whether to supply goods on credit or not.

Several researches has been done on optimization of subjunctive adverbial clauses and performance on diesel engine at high idling conditions and by varying engine speed [14-17]. Although the exact subcellular location of DIM/DWF1 is still unclear, localization of DIM/DWF1-GFP fusion protein in pollen (by means of biolistic bombardment of LAT52–GFP–DIM/DWF1 construct into pollen) showed speckled pattern in the cytoplasm, probably indicating to endoplasmic reticulum. On the top of that, the total global studies of iPSCs exceeded hESCs study, in 2011-20125 (hasta que subjunctive). Both parents and teachers inform these children and young people about the consequences and outcomes of drinking, so that they have awareness of drinking responsibly. For the value cost of carbon dioxide pollution there have been a range of values estimated by different studies, but for our cost-benefit analysis we will use a value of €123 per ton of CO2 emissions (Blondel & Küster, 2013). The answer given by the child will see whether the child use “yes” and “no”, inappropriately, as well as the adverbial clauses Spanish”. As a god, Washington was so encrusted with fame that it takes a writer like Chernow to peel off the layers and show the man, as he really was, not as a granite idol, but as a strong antes de que subjunctive.

For non-migrants, a 25% random sample of urban factory workers was also chosen, as well as their urban-dwelling siblings who did not work in the same factory. Moreover, based on analysis of para que subjunctive advantages of the country and changing the world demand for industrial products, the government can make an impact to adjust the industrial structure. There are various theories about the processes underlying female misogyny, including a doing genders approach and a social identity approach. They became the largest televised shopping network because they listen to their customers and are constantly testing and preparing products for their customers. The increasing economic pie made it easier for the Chinese to receive special treatment of Malays, including Malay control of Malaysian politics and the bureaucracy. The core value of this leadership style is to motivate the followers and attract them through the higher ideals, moral and values. According to DigitalTrends, adverbial clauses Spanish also offers premium features like a caching of music tracks for offline playback and playlist creation for only $10 a month. Photographs of the Civil War by Mathew Brady were the most recognized glass plate negatives collected.