Administrative Justice Act as at 15 September 2016

Commencement: 3rd September, 2004 (date of publication in the Government Gazette).

Administrative Justice ACT


2. Interpretation and application.

3. Duty of administrative authorities.

4. Relief against administrative authorities.

5. Determining factors.

6. Application for and issue of order to supply reasons.

7. Discretion to entertain applications.

8. Discretion to refuse or to restrict supply of reasons.

9. Intervention by Prosecutor-General.

10. Minister may make regulations.

11. Application of Act to certain administrative authorities or actions limited or excluded.

Schedule: Administrative Actions in Respect of which Application of Sections 3(1) (c), 3(2) and 6 Excluded or Qualified.


To provide for the right to administrative action and decisions that are lawful, reasonable and procedurally fair; to provide for the entitlement to written reasons for administrative action or decisions; to provide for relief by a competent court against administrative action or decisions contrary to the provisions of this Act; and to provide for matters connected with or incidental to the foregoing.

ENACTED by the President and the Parliament of Zimbabwe.

This Act may be cited as the Administrative Justice Act [Chapter 10:28].

[1] Act 5/2014 is the National Prosecuting Authority Act [which amended section 9 of this Act with effect from 2nd January 2015] and Act 3/2016 is the General Laws Amendment Act, 2016 [which amended section 2(1), in the definition of “uniformed force”, paragraph (c)]

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